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公司簡介 汎宇藥業股份有限公司為一群醫藥學院藥師群精英,歷經十多年醫藥界、經營歷練後,為求提供醫藥界最佳產品、合理的服務,同時給予藥師及同事們更有專業、創意的發展空間,于民國89年5月成立於中部。 公司初期代理全球數種專利藥品,如:義大利原廠OHB12B15000、Pierami (Amikacin)、Xenar(Naproxin),德國R.P藥廠Ginkgo、Larbol,日本富士H.C.G.注射用胎盤素。男女性荷爾蒙注射劑以及特殊製劑如:比利時Sanico藥廠Sanitatin、Sanofen,日本日新藥廠Coponent、Ridrase,加拿大Apo-Atenol。此外也代理美國Puritam pride藥廠的綜合維他命B-50、Stress zinc,及英國SB集團原裝進口之Vykmin。 在台灣亦有代理數家CGMP藥廠的特殊製劑,如:龍杏Fusoco,政德Bropan,明大Cold Cap.,永昌,及健亞降血脂藥Simvastatin、,衛達Rayor,皇佳最新一代ACEI:Ramitace。 最近更加入美國ICN(艾欣)公司的左旋C、玻尿酸、美白霜等保養品代理,法國進口藥品級乳酸菌Antibiophilus;德國Fresinus雙胜胺、Aminoveinl針劑。 全公司內外勤約23人,負責全國醫藥品的銷售服務;90~97年1月年平均成長率近兩成,是一家小而美,年輕活力的成長公司。 經營理念 提供世界級最好產品(而非僅符合CGMP水準藥品),以熱誠、創新、堅毅的服務態度、合理公道價格,立於度競爭的醫療界。 對內:用人唯才、公平開放、全員共享 對外:不斷尋找更好產品,進入台灣市場﹔也尋求有心的事業夥伴,共創生命意義。 汎宇不大,但我們專業 汎宇不完美,但我們很努力 汎宇起步稍遲,但我們更積極 汎宇是平凡的 但我們有夢有願景 聚於期盼、打拼、永續經營的決心裡 Mission Statement We are committed to supplying the state-of-the-art products (far beyond the criteria of CGMP for medicines): With enthusiastic, innovative, and persistent attitudes to have a solid stand in such a highly-competitive medical field. Ability and expertise have been regarded as our top priority when selecting our staff under a fair and open system, making Cosmic their greatest pride. Our future prospect To seek the best medicine throughout the world. To usher in the medicines into the Taiwan market as an agent. To look for superior business partners for mutual business opportunity. Though not big, we have our professionalism; though not perfect, we endeavor to become better; though starting a bit late, we are aggressive for progress and growth. Normal as we are, we are embracing our dream and prospect that constitute our determination for ever-lasting operation in business.
BETA has been successfully possessed ISO 9002 certification in July, 1996 and QS 9000 certification in November 1997. BETA also has TUV for our products. The goal of BETA is to provide our customers with the best quality and service at reasonable cost. BETA has grown rapidly in the last 30 years. We consider ourselves as an expert of electronic component manufacturer. BETA believes that top quality and management with excellent service can be everlasting.
洋洋公司成立於1983年,為一辦公用品、電腦週邊用品及廣告促銷品之研發、製造廠商,成立迄今已有17年的歷史,一直秉持著求新創新的精神,以貴族化的設計及品質,平民的價格,受到業界一致的信賴與推崇,並獲國內外的多項專利,且於1989及1991年榮獲外貿協會之優良產品設計獎。我們相信好的設計必能造就好的產品,好的產品必能創造更高的利潤。歡迎國內貿易廠商合作外銷共創商機。 可接受工商大宗採購。 AbleMate Co., Ltd. was founded in 1985, grew from a small company to a professional design, manufacturing and export trading. Our products range from the widely acclaimed office accessories to exclusive gift sets and many more metal/ plastic accessories. Over last two decades, we have been co-operating with computer accessory, stationery, and premium and gift companies from the locals to the districts of world. We are reeling out imaginative and innovative design products regularly every different season and have a wide range of impressive and attractive in-house designs selection for your choice. OEM business is also welcome to serve different customers’ needs. in 1989 and 1991 the company has been awarded "GOOD PRODUCT DESIGN" by CHINA EXTERNAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, Now the company have possess more than 60 patents in the world and is respected as a supplier of high-grade products with most competitive price all over the world. If you insist on high quality product with competitive price and punctual delivery, we are the best choice. You can rely on us in understanding and meeting your needs to bring large profits.
浩然科技(ALT)目前正積極創立於全球服務據點的佈局,即時滿足全球客戶對High Power LED照明的迫切需求。浩然結合專利技術及創新的特色,以提供高品質及節能環保的產品。 浩然不僅致力於產品研究與開發,在服務提供和品質保證方面也遠遠超越同業,同時也沿襲相關企業的專業伺服器、散勢鰭片等設計,來提升浩然的整體競爭力。再者,浩然深信產品品質是永續經營客戶的主要因素,所以全心致力於全世界安規的申請,包括UL, CUL, ETL, CE, FCC, TUV, LVD, RoHS, Laser Testing等。這些是浩然在開發所有的產品線時所秉持的核心理念,所以帶來浩然永續的成長,也讓客戶持續信賴浩然產品的品質。 為了提供多樣的產品給全世界的客戶,浩然在產品設計上應用優越的專利技術,不間斷的開發新穎及更高品質的產品,使浩然可以提供各式各樣的LED照明解決方案給客戶,讓浩然在未來的綠色照明領域成為領導廠商。 我們專注於產品設計、品質提升、創新能力並控制所有的生產過程,以確保浩然產品的高品質。再者,浩然擁有全球後勤服務的支援及秉持「苛求完美 至善環真」的核心理念,旨在保護地球及創造環保節能的環境。 Aeon Lighting Tech., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as ALT) is associated with the world’s third largest industrial server supplier, Supermicro Computer Inc., as the recipient of a high power LED technology transfer. ALT has hundreds of R D personnel with more than a decade of experiences, working on energy conservation and high efficiency lighting technology, with a view to environmental protection. For the previous 2 years, ALT focuses on products design and development and worldwide safety certifications applications, including UL, cUL, ETL, CE, FCC, TUV, LVD, RoHS, Laser Testing, etc.. From the beginning of 2009, ALT begins its aggressive marketing business expansion into the global market.
Opiumex Group, with a dream of redesigning our lifestyle, was set up to generate innovative applications on consumer electronic products by Opiumex Industries. Which was established in 1995 to provide satisfactory and integrated electronic products to worlds IT & consumer electronics industry. The combination of servicing the two industries has resulted in the establishment of a vibrant Opiumex, which has had a successful track record of sustained growth over the last decade. In 2004, Opiumex set up an affiliated company, Opiumex International, which endeavors to meet more customer requirements by expanding its existing product lines to other field such as beverage/wine import business. Incorporating the strengths of product design/marketing capability, Opiumex Intl has emerged as one of the foremost leading distributor for brands in Taiwan today. To meet the complex demands of products in the field, Opiumex also reaches out to every segments of the products such as, food and their kitchen ware for satisfying all aspects of needs from our partners. With the worldwide wine industry currently undergoing phenomenal changes, Opiumex International, with its excellent distribution facilities, timely delivery and comprehensive service, is fully equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Volt is a world class leader in the staffing service industry, founded in 1950, with current annual revenue of over $2 Billion USD. Meeting the demands of a diverse marketplace requires unique staffing solutions that strengthen and drive customer competitive advantages. Volt delivers specialized and full-service offerings tailored to maximize value for local and global companies alike. Our extensive global presence through our more than 300 company-owned and operated offices throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia, exhibits our strength and dedication to niche recruiting capabilities and the full service commitment on which our customers can rely. Over 50 years in the industry and stable corporate infrastructure ensure our customers the experience, resources and know-how needed for an effective staffing program. It is the goal of our organization to create a positive work environment where our employees are able to grow and develop. We foster an environment of mutual respect and teamwork. We seek customer relationships that share common values and where true, long-term partnerships are valued and nurtured. 美商渥特股份有限公司是一個專業的人力派遣公司, 我們僱用各行業各職級的專才。 渥特的專長是幫助適任的求職者與我們的求才企業客戶媒合, 提供求職者具有挑戰性、良好報酬及豐富的工作機會。 渥特在美國是公認最傑出的人力派遣公司之一 。 從1950年開始, 渥特提供美國、加拿大及歐洲的領導企業們, 多元化的解決方案, 來滿足客戶在人力資源上的需求。 我們不僅提供服務給財星1000大的公司,也是少數能名列財星1000大的人力派遣公司之一 。 在渥特, 為了要吸引及留住最好的員工,我們也提供給您最完善的職業生涯規劃。 謝謝您考慮渥特服務團隊提供給您的工作機會,並讓我們成為您職涯道路上的夥伴。
漢霖民俗說唱藝術團成立於民國七十四年元月,迄今已有整整二十五年的歷史,為國內第一個專業說唱藝術團體。年年固定公演,連同巡迴演出、受邀演出,年約300場,至今製作演出已逾7000場次,創作編寫相聲逾百段。「漢霖」薪傳無數,舉凡國內中青輩說唱演員,均出自『漢家甘霖』孕育,漢霖團友先後成立了有:台北曲藝團、萬象說唱藝術團、相聲瓦舍、龍說唱實驗群、笑匠說學逗唱藝術團…。「漢霖」更一手培植了馬來西亞相聲的從無到有,漢霖團長王振全先生素有「新時代相聲之父」之美譽。 1988年「漢霖」受邀赴新加坡與中國十大笑星之首姜昆、唐杰忠同台演出「相聲歌謠大匯演」,是為海峽兩岸藝文交流之始。此後,便不斷出團赴中國大陸交流演出,計有:上海市「國際相聲交流演播」、香港「海峽兩岸攜手獻藝,說唱藝術共頌中華」、馬來西亞五大城市「笑一笑,少一少」、津京「中華曲藝訪問團」、天津「津門曲薈」、「台灣•相聲•五十年」、合肥「中國相聲節」、北京各屆曲藝節、「侯寶林盃相聲大賽獎」、「紀念侯寶林冥誕相聲研討會」…,並長年邀請中國曲藝名家來台交流演出。更曾應奧運籌備委員會之邀,將說唱藝術推進漢城奧運,在千萬國際人士爭睹之下宣揚我中華傳統說唱之美。 說唱藝術在台灣原本僅有相聲、京韻大鼓、數來寶、雙黃、山東快書、河南墜子。在「漢霖」的努力耕耘下,終成立了【漢霖相聲圖書館】,館內收藏豐富,有各式說唱藝術曲種,並從無到有的發展出「竹板快書」、「太平歌詞」、「八角鼓」、「單弦」、「滑稽大鼓」、「京東大鼓」、「梅花大鼓」、「西河大鼓」、「喜劇小品」、「四川打連廂」、「連珠快書」…,繁榮了寶島的說唱內涵。爾來,更結合國、台、客、英四語相聲,開創說唱藝術的全新空間,並首創【漢霖相聲茶館】,屬國內長久不斷的說唱之家。 近年,漢霖全副精力投入說唱娃娃兵。「漢霖兒童說唱藝術團」的小朋友從六歲到十二歲,奪得了台北市相聲比賽的三冠王,更奉文建會派往巴黎•布魯塞爾以英語、法語說相聲,揚名異域。每年寒、暑假的「兒童說唱研習營」、「種子教師研習營」二十年一日的如期開辦,也與國內多所學校合作成立說唱藝術研習社團和表演團體,將薪傳工作確實的紮根於後輩。年年奔走於各縣市相聲比賽評審工作,並在各大專院校、國中小學開展相聲八堂課,傳承相聲藝術進校園,落實中華傳統文化「向下紮根;往上提昇」之理念。
About Jeo-An: Headquarter in Taiwan Kaohsiung, JeoAn is a privately held trading company and one of leading supplies in highly engineer equipment and has been importing this line of products for nearly 12 years. Our products include valve, aboveground storage tank related equipment, filters and piping materials. We also provided the specialized service for our customers and aftermarket support for our installed equipment. Our company is composed by a group of people who have engineering and marketing background over ten years. Until now, our company has had a successful sales results in the power plant, petrochemical, oil refinery, steel mill, chemical, waste water treatment, and electronic industry. A key to our success is a solid understanding of the changing industrial and environmental needs of our customers. Flexibility, responsiveness, safety, and quality are the foundations of our services. In Sep of 27, 2004, JeoAn was authorized to act for HMT (http://www.hmttank.com/) agent in Taiwan. JeoAn won by the customer-focused attitude and good marketing strategies.
Based in Taipei, Taiwan, LicomLED was formed to pursuit high brightness and low power lighting solutions. With the looming of global energy crisis, Licom’s mission is to provide “Green” and energy saving LED lighting products to help conserve global electricity. With a seasoned engineering team of thermal, optical design and total profile, we are aimed to deliver user’s friendly single on/off, dimmable or active optical lighting products. We focus on the following segments, automotive applications general lighting portable applications medical applications In LicomLED, we believe in the success is based on the flawless communication throughout the product development cycle between team LicomLED and our valuable customers. Customer service and design quality is our top priority.
HISTORY VISION: Galaxy Harvest is mainly acting as a major supplier of Promotion, Decoration, Technicality, Wiring Harnesses, Hardware, Household, Display Fixture, Inj-molding process and projects worldwide. Our knowledge and expertise in this field have made us competent in perceiving our customers’ needs. Exquisite and fine workmanship are the key factors which make our products different from the others, giving our buyers more competitive edge. To be part of this industry field, we are not afraid of the questions. we respect and promote the diversity of people and companies with our Quality Assurance System to keep serving our customers. Galaxy Harvest, China was set up in Ningbo in 2006, and factories are built in the same province in 2009 and 2010. Partner Company of RCT, USA is the leading researcher in HVACR and plumbing industries. The product ranked #1 in the USA for many years. Our company’s motto is “R.C.T.” – Responsibility, Co-operation and Trust. Treating our people to be family with the principle that “People-Oriented, Respect the Facts.” Advocate the teamwork spirit of co-operation and communication. Company goal is making each staff reached success and strive for the most value for our customers. 琦華電國際(GALAXY HARVEST PTY LTD)1972年成立於臺灣,30年來,一直致力於向歐美市場提供高品質的產品和服務,努力提供更新更好的產品來使我們的生活更美好。公司的合作夥伴RCT公司是美國HVAC領域中的領導者,其品牌連續多年在美國HVAC領域中排名第一。 本公司的RCT精神 “責任,合作,信任”,注重“以人為本,尊重事實”,始終提倡“合作與交流”的團隊合作精神,真心關心每一個員工,努力為客戶創造最大的價值
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